【Romantic Valentine's day】Vera Wang Love Knots Toasting Flute Pair週年禮物 送女友 DY01-337
After you place the order, our friendly customer service team will be in touch regarding details of engraving and colors!
1、Vera Wong香檳杯*2(包含名字、日期雕刻)

Beautiful sterling silver Love Knots characterize the Vera Wang Love Knots collection. True romance captured in radiant silver.
Engrave your name and make it a unique gift.
以Vera Wang經典圖案蝴蝶結為設計主題,靈活混合了珍珠灰與珍珠白色階,襯托周邊典雅別緻的白金鑲邊,同時凸顯出Vera Wang專屬圖案─蕾絲緞帶。這個系列創作概念受到婚紗設計與衣料啟發,自然融入現代飲食饗宴,能夠創造永恆、專屬、獨特的經驗。
Dimensions: 10.5"H x 3.3"W x 10.5"D, 5 oz
- 範圍:名字、日期/一句文字雕刻
- 顏色:金色/銀色/磨砂
- 圖稿:出圖稿後若取消訂單,需收取設計費用:圖稿費用$150,人像設計費用 $100/人
- 時間:確認草稿後起算3-5個工作天(不含周六日)後完成作品。
- 急件:急件請務必先溝通確認提前指定收件日期,再加購急件服務
- DYOW香港酒瓶雕刻始創於2012年,專注於定制每一款充滿愛的禮物️,為世界各地的人們創造永恒的記憶,可在你喜愛的禮物訂製專屬手工雕刻
- 所有產品均附上終身保養,不小心打爛都有保養
- 所有產品在香港廠房由人手雕刻。最佳品質,最快一天出貨
Customer Reviews
FAQ of Delivery:
- How Long Does it Take To Produce & Ship?
You will receive most of our products within 1 week. Most items have next day delivery upgade service as well. - I really need it today - is it possible at all?
Actually yes! Talk to our CS and we will work it out for you. - Do you ship internationally?
Yes we do! We ship globally. Check out our shipping policy on the next tab.
FAQ of Production & Opportunity:
- How does DYOW produce their products?
We use hand engraving, machine engraving and laser engraving to customize in our Hong Kong factory - every bottles & items are hand made by our "masters" with love :) - Do you offer corporate & Bulk discount?
For order over 5 pieces, please ask for bulk discount with our friendly customer service on live chat or whatsapp us at +852 6554 1830.
For Corporate Enquiry, we offer personalize sales solution. Please email us at hello@designyourown.wine for more details.
對於緊急訂單,客戶可以請求升級到 Gogox 當天交貨。升級時,客戶將支付附加費。
我們指定的運輸 公司 是 順豐快遞, 香港郵政 和 中東快遞.
對於緊急訂單,客戶可以請求升級到 DHL。您可以根據要求收到報價。
退貨政策(適用於 所有國家)
-定制產品:不退換。如果出現損壞或發錯貨,請 給我們發電子郵件 收到產品後7天內重新發貨。