Rules of Gift Giving That Everyone Should Know

There's a lot of people out there who consider themselves not good at being gift givers. They think a lot about whether the gift they are giving matches the wishes of the recipient, whether the gift has the right value, or whether they feel that the gift given is not enough. Don't worry, because Design Your Own Wine has become a pioneer for givers in giving the best gift they have ever had since 2012 for customers around the world. This article will explain the rules for gift giving, and some gift ideas that are right for you.

What is the best way to give a gift?

First, we must know why we need giving gifts. Gifts are expressions of feelings to show their appreciation for someone special or an act of kindness to others. The best way to give gifts is to have a specific meaning or the right time to give them. For example, you can prepare gifts for your friends who are achieving or getting a promotion at work, a graduation celebration, or an appreciation for retirement.

Gifts can be a symbol for recipients as how many people care about them, and how many people appreciate themselves in that place.

7 tips on how to be better at gift giving

Not everyone is confident with the gifts they will give. It's not just choosing a gift randomly, but you can think personally about what they like, want, or need. Before you choose a gift or how to give it, you need to know about how to be better at it.

  1. Gift giving etiquette

Gift giving also has its own ethics, especially in the corporate world. For example, not all gifts are allowed, and you have to consider what is allowed and what is not allowed in giving gifts. You have to understand the ethics of corporation or modern giving etiquette, don't let you cross the line of ethics or miss something behind.

You can be safer to give gifts when you are outside the office, or you can send your gift directly to the recipient's house, so you can give it personally.

  1. Useful gifts

There's nothing better than giving a gift that the recipient can use. It can be anything that can help in daily life, such as cooking utensils, gardening equipment, cleaning equipment and other equipment. Especially when prize recipients are moving house or working out of town and have to live in a new place, they need lots of new equipment that they need to use for their daily lives.

  1. Gift meaningful gifts

A gift can be a sentimental thing if we think about it first. Meaningful gifts will show the connection you have with the recipient. While most of gifts can be easily forgotten and disappears into storage or the recipient forgets to ever receive them, sentimental gifts will be remembered for years. One example is a photo book with dozens of photos of memories, and it makes the recipient admire it or get emotional about it.

  1. Gift of an experience

Many people are still debating between things vs experiences. But experiential gifts are still better because they can strengthen the relationship with the recipient than material ones. You can give a gift by giving an experience about something fun, something new, or something beyond their expectations. You as a giver don't have to experience the same experience, because the recipient will think of someone who gave that experience, and that's lovely.

  1. Don't be selfish

Sometimes people think about themselves before they give gifts to others. They will rethink what they choose, because they think the item to be given is better than their own. Sometimes we understand the preferences of the recipient are the same as ours, but because of selfishness, that person does not want to give goods with quality or a newer version than their own.

Sometimes you need to maximize the recipients' happiness, just like you buy things for yourself. There will always be reciprocity if you can make other people happy.

  1. Make it easy for you to find a gift

If you are too focused on what you want to give and are pressured by the many choices, you can look for gift ideas and match them to your wishes. Focus on your goal of giving, whether you want to give a unique gift, a meaningful, or a useful one.

Don't think too hard about many things, because now you can get some of the best gift recommendations, and make sure the recipient will be happy. You can choose a gift that is ready for delivery, or you can order it to be picked up on a certain date. Make it easy for you by ordering, paying, and receiving or sending it directly.

  1. Give writings when giving a gift

It depends on what moment you give the gift. If the recipient is celebrating graduation, promotion, marriage, or a new job, you can write best wishes for their new chapter of life. Or if you want to be more relaxed, you can write clever puns or notes about what you want to convey to the recipient. Whatever you write will add value and give a special impression to the recipient, making it more meaningful and unforgettable.

Examples of gift ideas


We've talked about what we should do to be a better gift giver. Now we're going to look at some gift ideas that you can use for someone's special day.

  1. Stationery

This is a special idea for families and friends who like all things paper from books to notebooks and need stationery for their needs. You can provide pencil holder organizers, fancy notebooks, coloring books, calendars, or stationery in various types and shapes.

  1. Clothing

You can give clothes in the recipient's favorite color, or the type of clothes they often use. It will be easier if the recipient is a fan of a particular sports club, because you can give their favorite club jersey, with their name on the back or the name of their favorite player. Don't forget to find out their shirt size, because sometimes for special clothes other than T-shirts you have to know the right size.

  1. Gift card

It's a popular gift even though many think gift cards are a bad move because they think the giver is a lazy person. There is a lot to think about if you want to give gift cards, as they may decrease in value, and have an expiration date that is too fast.

  1. Personalized items

All kinds of personalized items will give the recipient an additional impression. Imagine you receive a particular item that has a specific photo, name, or date on it. It will be an item that you will always keep because it is unique and doesn't exist anymore in this world because it is special for you.

Recommended Gift for Business Grand Opening

For example, Design Your Own Wine provides engraving wine bottles and wine glasses with elegant designs and colors that match the bottles or glasses you choose. All you have to do is determine which wine or champagne the recipient likes, then select a photo or text to be printed in the middle of the bottle or glasses.

That's it about things you should know before you give a gift to someone special. If you want to find out what gifts are suitable for someone's special day, you can check Design Your Own Wine and get the best personalized gifts you've ever given.

