Best Retirement Messages and Wishes for The Perfect Farewell

Everything has an end, including the legend in your office who has entered retirement. Someone who has worked hard all this time is ready to retire. Although it's a big decision, sometimes many people are still afraid to face it because it includes uncertainty and do not understand what to do after it. There are many ways you can do to stay connected with the retiree, one of which is by preparing retirement messages. We have compiled a list of great retirement wishes and messages, plus gifts to send to your family members, managers, employees, or friends before they move on to their next chapter of life.

How do I make someone's retirement special?

Retirement is something special for someone's life. We need to celebrate it, because not everyone looks forward to retirement because they don't know what to expect afterward. There are many ways to make someone's retirement special such as making retirement messages plus with some of the lists below.

  • Give an honorable speech

Prepare a few days before the retiree is no longer in the office, give them time to give speeches in front of everyone and toasts to this person as a form of appreciation from every member of the organization. You can choose to make this mini event in the office or at a restaurant of the retiree's choice. The speeches do not have to be long, and let it be according to the retiree's wishes. This can be something that is always remembered by that person, because it creates a new core memory with happiness and support from all employees. Don't forget to take a photo together with the retiree and frame it as a keepsake.

  • Make a special video

This is a unique way for employee's retirement, because you and your coworkers can film little clips for heartful messages and wishes for the retiree. From employees to managers, you can collect them into one video to commemorate their hard work over the years. Don't forget to put some clips about fun memories while in the office such as outdoor moments, team building activities, or free time together with the retiree.

  • Invite the retiree’s family to the office

Make a special and surprise event by inviting retiree's family members to the office to celebrate retirement day. It will be great if you can invite almost all of their family members because it can be a lively event like a family reunion plus with coworkers. You can give special time for retirees to give their family members a quick tour of the workspace, let them commemorate their workplace before leaving. It's a warm moment for retirees personally and professionally.

  • Build party around the retiree’s favorite hobbies

Every employee must have known what the retiree's hobbies are after being a work partner for a long time. You can build the party related to the retiree's favorite hobbies. You can do outdoor activities and specialize the event for memorable moments for the retiree. Don't forget to close the happy our with dinner with coworkers while remembering what the retiree has gone through while in the office.

How to honor someone who is retiring?

For someone who is going to retire, you need to give heartful retirement messages plus a memorable gift that can give a lasting impression to the recipient. Because retirement is a celebration as well as the best wish for the retiree in their next life journey, you can symbolize it by giving a customized wine gift set. It can't just be any wine, but the best choice of wine that describes the retiree's character or suits their taste preference.

DesignYourOwnWine is the best place to commemorate the retiree's work journey by giving a wine trophy, to surprise them with an award ceremony on their retirement day. DesignYourOwnWine prepares various imported wines, whiskeys, champagnes, and various gift sets specifically for retirement and special occasions. This is the best gift for retirees because the wine can be enjoyed on a special day, plus the engraving on the bottle can be a lifelong keepsake.

Put the portrait of the retiree plus the award text on the trophy. Praise them for their selfless dedication with the best wine.

Best retirement messages and wishes for the perfect farewell

Now we have prepared various kinds of the best wishes and messages for retirees.

  1. The office will not be the same without a legend like you. You are our favorite person who always gives joy even in the midst of difficulties. Please do not forget us, hope we will meet you in another place with your endless vacation days. Happy retirement!

  2. Remember, this is not the end, but your new journey to reach the greatest chapter of your life. You have discovered countless moments with us in this company, and we are sure you can get another joy moments after you retire. Don't worry because your spirit and inspiration are always remembered in this organization.

  3. Wishing your retirement days will be filled with joyful moments, leisurely mornings, and life at your own peace. You deserve long-lasting freedom, and it's time for you to do whatever you want without having to think about working hours or when you can get off work early.

  4. You bring great atmosphere around the office through these years. We will always miss your presence here. But we know that you also need to enjoy time with your family as you have always dreamed of. We hope you can experience all your plans about the adventures you will do, plus enjoy every bit of your next chapter of life.

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A good retirement wishes and messages can give new spirit to retirees who will go to their new life challenges. Whether you are close to the retiree or not, there is no harm in giving them encouragement to show that you care about them and their future. The best messages need to be made, plus you can add memorable gifts to get a lasting impression. Let us honor the retiree's hard work and wish them the best for their new life afterwork.

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