Cloudy Bay

Cloudy Bay Vineyards is a winery based in the Marlborough wine region of New Zealand, with vineyards in both Marlborough and Central Otago. Established in 1985 as one of the earliest wineries founded in Marlborough, Cloudy Bay attracted international acclaim for its first Sauvignon Blanc wines in the 1980s and was instrumental in establishing New Zealand's international reputation for white wine.It was acquired by Champagne house Veuve Clicquot in 2003 and is now a LVMH brand.


Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Pelorus with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒(含人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022 with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒(含文字雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒(含人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒(含人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒(含人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒(含人像雕刻)


Most Popular Cloudy Bay Gift in Hong Kong

Get Yours before it's sold Out!

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set  with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set  with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set  with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set  with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set  with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set  with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)



After you place the order, our friendly customer service team will be in touch regarding details of engraving and colors!


1、Cloudy Bay-Pinot Noir*1(包含2人人像雕刻)
2、Bottega Wine Glasses*2(包含名字雕刻)

《全世界最有名的紐西蘭白酒 – Cloudy Bay》

Cloudy Bay 的故事始於 1985 年,其首個與眾不同、沁人心脾、充滿活力的長相思白葡萄酒於同年問世。Cloudy Bay由Cape Mentelle創始人David Hohnen建立,是馬爾堡區(Marlborough)歷史最為悠久的五大酒莊之一。

目前,Cloudy Bay的馬爾堡葡萄園出產霞多麗、黑比諾和傳統釀造的羅盤葡萄酒。這些葡萄酒的卓越品質和多樣品種展現了馬爾堡葡萄酒產區的優越地位。

Cloudy Bay從不滿足於現有成就,堅持不懈地探索全新領域。2000年推出的Te Koko白葡萄酒采用桶內發酵法,改變了世界對於馬爾堡產區代表性葡萄品種的看法。2009年,Cloudy Bay開啟嶄新冒險,在Central Otago產區建立了第二個葡萄園,專門生產品質上乘且精致細膩的Cloudy Bay緹華怡黑皮諾紅葡萄酒。

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir

這款Pinot Noir因其芬芳的香氣,以辛辣和花香為標誌,備受追捧。稍加陳釀和充氣,這款酒將通過其可可和溫和的香料香氣顯示出壹種補充的復雜性,證明其在木材中的升華。這是新西蘭精湛技藝和著名地區馬爾堡的一個美麗例子。

釀造:果實被重力放入頂部開口的發酵桶,其中包含 7% 的整串。發酵後的葡萄酒在法國橡木桶中陳釀 11 個月,其中 35% 是新酒。



產地: New Zealand
酒莊: Cloudy Bay
類別: 葡萄酒
品種: Pinot Noir
酒精度: 13.5%
容量:  750ml

Wine Glasses

Capacity 755ml
Height 27.6cm
Width 9.9cm



  1. 範圍:2人+一句文字雕刻
  2. 風格:2種人像風格: 卡通人像 / 寫實人像
  3. 卡通人像:更Q版放大化的描繪,不完全寫實
  4. 寫實人像:按照照片寫實描繪,接近本人 文字:限200個英文字母 或 50個中文字 ( 字母愈多 字體愈小,日韓文數字皆可)
  5. 照片:清晰半身/全身相片,肖像草稿是依照片相似度去繪製,請慎選照片。
  6. 繪圖:完成付款後提供草稿,可微調修改,更換照片重畫與臨時退訂將產生稿費。超出2人圖稿額外費用 $100/人
  7. 雕刻:默認清除全部LABEL以及雕刻背面,若正面做不同圖雕刻,需另收$100;顏色可選金/銀,需要增加其他顏色可與我們溝通,每超出一種顏色額外費用增加$50。
  8. 時間:確認草稿後起算3-5個工作天(不含周六日)後完成作品。
  9. 急件:急件請務必先溝通確認提前指定收件日期,再加購急件服務
  • DYOW香港酒瓶雕刻始創於2012年,專注於定制每一款充滿愛的禮物️,為世界各地的人們創造永恒的記憶,可在你喜愛的禮物訂製專屬手工雕刻
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  • 所有產品在香港廠房由人手雕刻。最佳品質,最快一天出貨


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Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)
Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Pelorus & Bottega Champagne Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒&Bottega香檳杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2022& Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi & Bottega Wine Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒&Bottega酒杯套裝(含名字人像雕刻)


About Design Your Own Wine

Based in Hong Kong since 2012

Quality Assured

We focus on wine gifting and we hand pick our quality products. All engraving are done in Hong Kong, top quality products assured.


Our standard delivery is within 7 days, with most items able to upgrade delivery within 1 day. Let us know and we will arrange! 


All our engraving items come with life time warranty - if you break it, our insurance covers it with special replacement term!

#Discount Up To 30% On Family Set!

Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Pelorus |雲霧之灣佩洛魯斯氣泡酒6支裝(無雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi |雲霧之灣蒂瓦希葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir |雲霧之灣黑皮諾葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻)


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Wine is not just a meaningless drink. Every time there is wine as a beverage, it indicates a special moment or special event. Choosing a wine can be a daunting task for everyone because there are so many great varieties of wines on the market, and we are confused about which wine is the best.

Choosing a wine with guaranteed quality, wonderful taste, and an elegant bottle will elevate the event and provide an incomparable experience.

Cloudy Bay The Iconic New Zealand Wine

Cloudy Bay Vineyards was established in 1985 in Marlborough and is one of the earliest wineries in New Zealand. The first Sauvignon Blanc wines received international attention and critical acclaim in the 1980s. Since then, New Zealand's white wine reputation is well established.

Cloudy Bay is passionate about making wines that express national and regional character, starting with the selection of the best vineyards in Marlborough and Central Otago. Each wine is revealing the optimal grape and terroir combinations. No wonder Cloudy Bay wine has pure aromatic flavors.

Cloudy Bay Hong Kong For Special Gift

Two signature wines are well known around the world, Sauvignon Blanc & Pinot Noir. New Zealand wine has long been known for its Sauvignon Blanc and has dominated the wine industry.

Sauvignon Blanc 2021 is intense and vibrant made of ripe passion fruit, a hint of lime, and white peach. Experience the mix of passion fruit and acidity of vibrant citrus that balances the saline notes that provide structure, underpinned by nectarine and blossoms.

A wonderful taste that makes you want to sip again and again, proof that you can't just enjoy one bottle for the future.

On the other side, Pinot Noir will give you a deep, dark-fruited, and aromatic sensation. Taste the Loganberry, Victoria plum, and autumn fruit along with silky tannix. Don't forget the taste balanced with juicy acidity. All the flavors come together and give an exceptionally moreish long finish.

Not only those two wines, but Cloudy Bay also has Te Koko, Te Wahi, Chardonay, and Pelorus. Enjoy every perfect wine from Cloudy Bay full of climatic and geological diversity.

Can You Give Cloudy Bay Wine As An Extraordinary Gift?

Design Your Own Wine is the right place for you. Founded in 2012 in Hong Kong, Design Your Own Wine is a brand that focuses on creating eternal gifts for people around the world.

Crystal Bay wine bottles can be specially designed with a name, photo, date, or anything related to a person or partner to make a gift that will not be forgotten. Want to order for a special event? Say no more. We have received many orders for custom designs at Christmas, Chinese New Year, weddings, or other big events.

Pick your favorite wine, place an order. Not long after, our customer service will ask about the engraving and colors you want on the wine bottle.

Design Your Own Wine is ready to ship globally. Save the special event date and call us for when Cloudy Bay wine will be delivered as a gift.