【蛇年雕刻】2025新年春節禮盒 紅酒套裝 祝賀酒新年禮物 客製化全盒文字雕刻 Johnnie Walker Red Label 威士忌春節慶祝禮物 訂製雕刻感謝禮物2025 New Year Congratulations Wine Engraved Red Wine Whiskey DY05-56-9

$1,199 $2,500


After you place the order, our friendly customer service team will be in touch regarding details of engraving and colors!

🎉 在2025年新年來臨之際,這款威士忌與紅酒禮盒是商務送禮和長輩祝福的完美選擇,為您傳遞財運與喜慶的祝福。每一個細節都融入了中華文化的精髓,讓您的禮物充滿獨特的心意。


  • B&G Cuvée Spéciale 法國紅酒750ml(含文字訂製雕刻)
  • 陶瓷全盒(含文字訂製雕刻)
  • 新年春聯捲軸1個
  • 精美禮盒(含封套,固定模板,不訂製)


  • Johnnie Walker Red Label 威士忌(含文字訂製雕刻)
  • 陶瓷全盒(含文字訂製雕刻)
  • 新年春聯捲軸1個
  • 精美禮盒(含封套,固定模板,不訂製)



這款2025新年禮盒提供B&G Cuvée Spéciale法國紅酒或Johnnie Walker Red Label威士忌,瓶身雕刻生肖蛇與“蛇年旺財”祝福,象徵財運亨通。附有可定制雕刻的陶瓷盒,傳遞個性化祝福。春聯捲軸寫有“財源滾滾”,增添喜慶氛圍,外包裝則是精美禮盒,讓每一份祝福更加獨特與難忘。

產地: France
類別: 紅酒
酒精度: 12%
容量:  750ml



Johnnie Walker

尊尼獲加JOHNNIE WALKER是世界著名的蘇格蘭威士忌品牌,尊尼獲加家族自1820年創業以來,憑著歷代總調配師的優良技術和專註精神,一直保持原有之品質和特性,是英國皇室禦用酒,在國際間屢獲殊榮。尊尼獲加威士忌是蘇格蘭威士忌之典範,20世紀末,極具先驅意義的尊尼獲加紅牌和標誌性的尊尼獲加黑牌已成為調配大師們的巔峰之作,當然還有尊尼獲加藍牌,一系列產品獲獎無數,更在不斷壯大,此後金牌珍藏和尊尼獲加鉑金18年也相繼誕生。

-B&G Cuvée Spéciale 法國紅酒750ml(含文字訂製雕刻)


-Johnnie Walker Red Label 威士忌(含文字訂製雕刻)









  • 多重用途:無論是商務送禮還是長輩祝福,這兩款禮盒都能滿足不同場合的需求,傳遞您的心意。

  • 獨特紀念:個性化的雕刻與祝福讓每份禮物成為珍貴的紀念,適合在新年或任何特別時刻分享。

  • 傳統文化:融合中國傳統元素,展現對新年的祝福,讓每位收禮者都能感受到溫暖與祝福。





  1. 範圍:酒瓶文字訂製,全盒文字訂製,封套固定模板文字訂製
  2. 文字:限200個英文字母 或 50個中文字 ( 字母愈多 字體愈小,日韓文數字皆可)
  3. 繪圖:完成付款後提供草稿,可微調修改,更換照片重畫與臨時退訂將產生稿費。
  4. 雕刻:默認清除全部LABEL以及雕刻正面,若背面做不同圖雕刻,需另收$100;顏色可選金/銀,需要增加其他顏色可與我們溝通,每超出一種顏色額外費用增加$50。
  5. 時間:確認草稿後起算3-5個工作天(不含周六日)後完成作品。
  6. 急件:急件請務必先溝通確認提前指定收件日期,再加購急件服務
  • DYOW香港酒瓶雕刻始創於2012年,專注於定制每一款充滿愛的禮物️,為世界各地的人們創造永恒的記憶,可在你喜愛的禮物訂製專屬手工雕刻
  • 所有產品均附上終身保養,不小心打爛都有保養
  • 所有產品在香港廠房由人手雕刻。最佳品質,最快一天出貨

FAQ of Delivery:

  1. How Long Does it Take To Produce & Ship? 
    You will receive most of our products within 1 week. Most items have next day delivery upgade service as well.
  2. I really need it today - is it possible at all?
    Actually yes! Talk to our CS and we will work it out for you.
  3. Do you ship internationally?
    Yes we do! We ship globally. Check out our shipping policy on the next tab. 

FAQ of Production & Opportunity: 

  1. How does DYOW produce their products?
    We use hand engraving, machine engraving and laser engraving to customize in our Hong Kong factory - every bottles & items are hand made by our "masters" with love :)
  2. Do you offer corporate & Bulk discount?
    For order over 5 pieces, please ask for bulk discount with our friendly customer service on live chat or whatsapp us at +852 6554 1830.
    For Corporate Enquiry, we offer personalize sales solution. Please email us at hello@designyourown.wine for more details.


Shipping Policy (Applied on Hong Kong)

Our designated shipping companies are SF Express & Hong Kong Post

Typically shipping time varies from 2 days to 5 days. If you have an event date, please let us know on the remark section of ordering and we will do our best to match your deadlines for you. 

For urgent orders, customers can request an upgrade to Gogox for same day delivery. In the case of an upgrade, surcharge will be paid by customers.

Shipping Policy (Applied on All Other Regions & Countries)

Oversea shipping might occur extra shipping cost depends on products.

Our designated shipping companies are SF Express Hong Kong Post & Aramex.

Typical shipping time varies from 1 week to more depends on your areas. In normal situations, we can reach most of the world in about 2 weeks.

For urgent orders, customers can request an upgrade to DHL. You can receive a quote upon request. 

* We are not responsible for any taxes & duties occured during transportation.

Return Policy (Applied on All Countries)

We keep it short and simple for you :)

- Customize Product: no exchange or refund. In the case of damage & wrong shipment, please email us at hello@designyourown.wine within 7 days from receiving the products for a re-shipment.

- Non-Customize Product: Please ship it back to us (shipping cost will be paid by customer) in perfect condition for exchange and refund.

For more details please check out our full policy on footer.



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