Jack Daniel's

Jack Daniel's is a brand of Tennessee whiskey and the best-selling whiskey in the world. It is very well known that the liquor was created by Nathan "Nearest" Green, an enslaved Black man who mentored Daniel toward his quest for production.


Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌(含人像雕刻)

Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Jack Daniel’s Gentleman jack with Engraving |紳士傑克威士忌(含文字雕刻)


Most Popular Jack Daniel Gift in Hong Kong

Get Yours before it's sold Out!

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)



After you place the order, our friendly customer service team will be in touch regarding details of engraving and colors!

1、Old No.7*1(包含人像雕刻)
2、Bottega Whisky Glasses*2(包含文字雕刻)

Jack Daniel’s

傑克·丹尼威士忌(JACK DANIELS),世界十大名酒之一。傑克·丹尼酒廠1866年誕生於美國田納西州林芝堡,是美國第一間註冊的蒸餾酒廠。傑克·丹尼威士忌暢銷全球一百三十多個國家,單瓶銷量多年來高踞全球美國威士忌之首。傑克丹尼酒廠位於田納西州的林芝堡,是美國最古老的註冊酒廠。

Old No.7

Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 是一款優質的田納西威士忌,在田納西州由天然玉米、黑麥、大麥麥芽和通過 10 英尺的糖楓木炭變得醇厚。



產地: 美國
類型 Whisky
酒精度: 40%
容量:  750ml


材質  水晶
類別 威士忌杯
容量 390ml
高度 9cm



  1. 範圍:2人+一句文字雕刻
  2. 風格:2種人像風格: 卡通人像 / 寫實人像
  3. 卡通人像:更Q版放大化的描繪,不完全寫實
  4. 寫實人像:按照照片寫實描繪,接近本人
  5. 文字:限200個英文字母 或 50個中文字( 字母愈多 字體愈小,日韓文數字皆可)
  6. 照片:清晰半身/全身相片,肖像草稿是依照片相似度去繪製,請慎選照片。
  7. 繪圖:完成付款後提供草稿,可微調修改,更換照片重畫與臨時退訂將產生稿費。超出2人圖稿額外費用 $100/人
  8. 雕刻:默認清除全部LABEL以及雕刻正面,若背面做不同圖雕刻,需另收$100;顏色可選金/銀,需要增加其他顏色可與我們溝通,每超出一種顏色額外費用增加$50。
  9. 時間:確認草稿後起算3-5個工作天(不含周六日)後完成作品。
  10. 急件:急件請務必先溝通確認提前指定收件日期,再加購急件服務
  • DYOW香港酒瓶雕刻始創於2012年,專注於定制每一款充滿愛的禮物️,為世界各地的人們創造永恒的記憶,可在你喜愛的禮物訂製專屬手工雕刻
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  • 所有產品在香港廠房由人手雕刻。最佳品質,最快一天出貨


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2024 CNY Gifts|Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set客製化雕刻禮物 新年禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
2024 CNY Gifts|Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set客製化雕刻禮物 新年禮物 - Design Your Own Wine

2024 CNY Gifts|Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set客製化雕刻禮物 新年禮物

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set|客製化雕刻禮物 聖誕禮物 交換禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set|客製化雕刻禮物 聖誕禮物 交換禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set|客製化雕刻禮物 聖誕禮物 交換禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set|客製化雕刻禮物 聖誕禮物 交換禮物 - Design Your Own Wine

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey Gift Set|客製化雕刻禮物 聖誕禮物 交換禮物

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Old No.7|傑克丹尼老7號威士忌&黑色泡泡威士忌杯套裝 - Design Your Own Wine

Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 Whiskey & Black Bubble Whisky Glass Set DY04-272

Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻)) - Design Your Own Wine

Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select & Bottega Whisky Glasses Gift Set with Engraving |傑克丹尼单桶威士忌&Bottega威士忌杯套裝(含文字人像雕刻))


About Design Your Own Wine

Based in Hong Kong since 2012

Quality Assured

We focus on wine gifting and we hand pick our quality products. All engraving are done in Hong Kong, top quality products assured.


Our standard delivery is within 7 days, with most items able to upgrade delivery within 1 day. Let us know and we will arrange! 


All our engraving items come with life time warranty - if you break it, our insurance covers it with special replacement term!

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More About The Brand

Right now whiskey is a drink that is loved by all ages and is perfect for celebrations or important events. The increasing demand for whiskey in the market is due to the needs of every event that requires a drink with a distinctive taste and unforgettable experience. Choosing a reputable whiskey will determine the liveliness of an event.

If you want to play it safe, you can choose the best-selling whiskey in the world. What is that whiskey?

Jack Daniel's The Legendary Tennessee Whiskey

Almost the whole world understands Jack Daniel's with its square bottles and black labels. The history of Jack Daniel's began in 1886 and became the best-selling American whiskey produced in Lynchburg, Tennessee.

Jack Daniel's whiskey meets the criteria to be categorized as bourbon even though it is not officially labeled as bourbon. What makes Jack Daniel's famous worldwide is its availability and inexpensive price tag.

Many suggest that if it's your first time trying whiskey, Jack Daniel's is the right choice. This drink can be combined with other beverages and any event.

Jack Daniel's Special Whisky Gift In Hong Kong

If you want to know why Jack Daniel's becomes the most famous whiskey, let's start with Single Barrel Select. It's the signature single barrel offering with subtle notes of spice and caramel with bright fruit notes.

The nose of caramel, banana bread, heavily toasted oak, and a hint of ethanol. Taste the simple-sweet and distinct flavor that come from the barrel with robust character and sweet aromatics.

Do you want a more smooth whiskey? Try Jack Daniel's Gentleman Jack. The balanced flavors will elevate the moment to celebrate the extraordinary event.

The nose is sweet and soft with vanilla, oak, and caramel notes. Feel the exceptional smoothness until your tongue feels floating off because of the sweet caramel and vanilla at the beginning, followed by oak and char at the end. But it doesn't end there, because the light oak and caramel blend in harmony.

Now let's get to the best of them all, the Jack Daniel's Old No.7. It's the signature of the brand that truly represents Tennessee whiskey and is different from any whiskey you've ever tried.

Starts when you open the bottle, the aroma of toffee notes and a hint of wood pours into the glass. On the nose, you can feel the gentle aromas of vanilla, caramel, and butterscotch. Taste the smooth and smoky sweetness of freshly brewed coffee, vanilla, nuts, toasted oak, and English toffee.

Is It Possible For Jack Daniel's To Be Used As A Personal Gift?

Design Your Own Wine is the place for you to get a Jack Daniel’s gift with a beautiful engraving bottle. Founded in 2012 in Hong Kong, a brand that focuses on creating eternal gifts for people around the world.

The Jack Daniel’s bottle will be beautified with a date, photo, or name will be an amazing gift for your parents, couple, or relatives.

Want to order for a special event? Tell us the date. We can accept special orders for various events such as Birthday, Anniversary, New Year’s Eve, or Lunar New Year.

Pick your favorite Jack Daniel’s whisky and place an order. Not long after, Design Your Own Wine customer service will ask about the engraving and colors you want on the cognac bottle.

For every customer in the Hong Kong area, we will provide free delivery for the gift you choose. Call us after you have found the right time to give a special gift, with Jack Daniel’s as your best whisky choice.