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Zalto originated from a family of glass craftsmen in the small town of Neunagelberg in northern Austria. After Cong moved to Venice, Italy in the early 14th century, he developed Venice's exquisite artificial glass blowing technology here. Today, ZALTO is well-known among gourmets all over the world, and has become one of the leading brands of wine glasses in the world.

#Zalto Glasses 

Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物 - Design Your Own Wine

Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖香檳杯 起泡酒杯客製化禮物


Most Popular Zalto Gift in Hong Kong

Get Yours before it's sold Out!

Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖甜酒杯 甜點酒杯套裝Gift Set(含雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖甜酒杯 甜點酒杯套裝Gift Set(含雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Zalto Glasses|扎爾圖甜酒杯 甜點酒杯套裝Gift Set(含雕刻)



After you place the order, our friendly customer service team will be in touch regarding details of engraving and colors!

1、Zalto 甜酒杯*2(包含文字、名字雕刻)
Zalto Glasses





Zalto Denk'Art 系列推出新一代口吹、無鉛且可在洗碗機中安全使用的酒杯,這是一款奢華的高腳杯,從您的指尖到您第一口啜飲的那壹刻,您都能感受到。Denk`Art 系列的成就是看起來幾乎太精致而無法握持的杯,但它們就是為此而制造的。這是一種玻璃器皿,位於形式與功能相結合的稀有點。這是藝術。Zalto Denk'Art 系列的發展是根據地球的傾斜角度受到地球的影響。因此,杯的曲線以24度、48度和72度的角度傾斜。


這款精美的手工玻璃杯捕捉了甜酒/甜點酒的真正精髓和風味。DenkArt 甜點酒杯旨在頌揚優雅和精致,這些優雅和精致導致優質甜葡萄酒在世界範圍內重新流行起來。Kurt Zalto 特別制作了甜點杯以突出甜葡萄酒的酸度。因此,甜點在力量和甜味之間取得了平衡,使一款出色的甜點酒在其最佳狀態下熠熠生輝。用於 Ausbruch、Auslese、Barsac、Beerenauslese、Eiswein (Icewine) Madeira、Piccolit、Port、Recioto di Soave、Sauternes、Sherry、Tokay、Trockenbeerenauslese、Single Malt Whisky 和Vinsliqueeaux。技術完美是 Zalto Glass Manufactury 的基本原則。Zalto Glasses 的生產始終遵循只使用最熟練的吹玻璃工和精選最好的原材料的傳統。












Ruinart Rosé

Ruinart Rosé 是一款來自香檳區的葡萄酒,由 55% 的Pinot Noir和 45% 的Chardonnay混合制成。大約 20% 到 25% 的混合酒是由過去兩年的儲備酒制成的。是一款漂亮、低調的葡萄酒,具有顯著的品位和精致。這是一種絕對女性化的精致風格,最適合作為開胃酒飲用。




  1. 範圍:文字、名字雕刻
  2. 圖稿:出圖稿後若取消訂單,需收取設計費用:圖稿費用$150,人像設計費用 $100/人
  3. 雕刻:默認清除全部LABEL以及雕刻正面,若背面做不同圖案印刷,需另收$100。
  4. 時間:確認草稿後起算3-5個工作天(不含周六日)後完成作品。
  5. 急件:急件請務必先溝通確認提前指定收件日期,再加購急件服務
  • DYOW香港酒瓶雕刻始創於2012年,專注於定制每一款充滿愛的禮物️,為世界各地的人們創造永恒的記憶,可在你喜愛的禮物訂製專屬手工雕刻
  • 所有產品均附上終身保養,不小心打爛都有保養
  • 所有產品在香港廠房由人手雕刻。最佳品質,最快一天出貨
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#Zalto Glasses Gift Set

About Design Your Own Wine

Based in Hong Kong since 2012

Quality Assured

We focus on wine gifting and we hand pick our quality products. All engraving are done in Hong Kong, top quality products assured.


Our standard delivery is within 7 days, with most items able to upgrade delivery within 1 day. Let us know and we will arrange! 


All our engraving items come with life time warranty - if you break it, our insurance covers it with special replacement term!

#Discount Up To 30% On Family Set!

Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Te Koko |雲霧之灣蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc |雲霧之灣白蘇維濃葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻)

Cloudy Bay Chardonnay  |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay  |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay  |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay  |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay  |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay  |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻) - Design Your Own Wine

Cloudy Bay Chardonnay |雲霧之灣霞多麗白葡萄酒6支裝(無雕刻)


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Zalto Glass – The Extraordinary Wine Glasses

You can't pour wine with just any glass. Wine is a luxury drink that must be served with high-end wine glasses to add taste and appearance to perfection. Did you know that in a recent year, Zalto wine glasses became one of the best choices in the wine world? These glasses are ultra-thin crystal and are heralded by magazines and wine enthusiasts as a vessel for every wine you serve.

Zalto became the best because it met the gold standard of glassware by professionals and wine connoisseurs. It's incredibly light, non-leaded crystal, hand-blown, and shaped like art. The award-winning Zalto glass has gone global that can make everyone fall in love with a wine that makes you can't stop sipping your luxury drinks and feel a better taste.

Don't you believe that wine will be better than a Zalto? You better try it out. Try it with both red and white wines, at different temperatures, or with different alcohol percentages. With a glass shaped like a piece of art, you will feel each wine tasted smoother and smells better than the Zalto glass.

Zalto Glass – The Art Of Wine Glass

Now, you may be curious, where are Zalto glasses made? Zalto wine glasses are produced by the Zalto Glasshutte in Neunagelberg, Austria. The art of glass blowing has been known since the early 14th century and continues to exist today. 

Zalto glass was developed by Hans Denk, the famous wine expert and part of a family of glass craftsmen in Austria. You will expect every Zalto with crystal, hand-blown, and lead-free suitable for you to present at every event.

There is an exciting story for each Zalto glass. The angles of wine classes mirror the tilt angles of the earth with 24, 48, and 72 degrees. These concepts are aimed at improving wine taste and luxury appearance. The glass itself consists of three parts, the bowl, the stem, and the base. These pieces are made individually and put together by the artisan glassmaker. Made with precision and prioritized quality for each glass. 

Zalto Wine Glasses Gift In Hong Kong

There are several wine glass styles that you can choose from to determine what type is right for you and become the best gift in every conditions. There are Zalto universal wine glasses, Zalto wine glass champagne, Zalto wine glass Bordeaux, etc.

If you are confused by the many choices on Zalto glasses, you can choose universal wine glass styles. You can use this type for robust wines. Don't forget Zalto who provides champagne glasses. You can use it when there are special events that deserve a bubbly taste with a sleek and elegant shape.

The more you love wine, the more you love Zalto. Remember to treat Zaltos clean them carefully and not be too hasty when handling them. Leave plenty of space between Zalto glasses and other items if you use a dishwasher. If you want to feel safer, wash the glasses by hand with hot water and unscented dish detergent, dry them, and polish them before storage. Caring for luxury glass will maintain its beauty and durability.

Can We Get Engraving Zalto Gift In Hong Kong?

Let me introduce you, the Design Your Own Wine. Founded in 2012 in Hong Kong, a brand that focuses on creating eternal gifts for people around the world.

The Zalto wine glasses with engravings like a name, date, or photo, will be an amazing gift for your spouse, parents, or relatives.

Want to order for a special day? Tell us the date. We can accept special orders for various events such as Birthdays, Weddings, anniversaries, or Promoting Day.

Pick your favorite Zalto glass and place an order. Not long after, Design Your Own Wine customer service will ask about the engraving and colors you want on the Zalto glassware.

Now, what are you waiting for? Zalto glass will be a joy every time you enjoy wine.