中秋禮籃 客戶送禮 感謝長輩親友團圓禮物 水果+零食+威士忌禮籃丨Mid-Autumn Festival Food & Fruit & whisky Hamper

$1,299 $1,599


  • 水果12-16個:
  • 食物:
  • Chivas12 威士忌1支
  • 精美禮籃一個


Chic food whiskey fruit hamper. Decent and considerate, including:

  • 12-16 fruits:
    -Imported grapes (Xiangyin)
    -Japanese net melon
    -Snake fruit
    -Navel orange
  • food:
    -Godiva tablet chocolate
    -Japanese Baibang Assorted Cookies Gift Box
    -Japanese white peach daifuku
    -Twinning Earl Gray Black Tea
    -American Bluezan with salted almonds
  • Chivas12 whiskey
    An exquisite gift basket
*food will be partially changed according to the stock
*Need to book one day in advance


  1. 高雅與獨特:威士忌是一種高雅且具有文化內涵的酒品。相比於傳統的紅酒,威士忌給人一種獨特的感覺,顯示出送禮者的品味與個性。

  2. 多樣化選擇:禮籃中包含威士忌、零食和水果,能夠滿足不同人群的需求和口味。這種多樣化的組合使得禮籃更加豐富多彩,也更受人歡迎。

  3. 象徵健康與幸福:水果象徵著健康和豐收,零食象徵著甜蜜和幸福,而威士忌則可以象徵成熟和尊重。這些元素結合在一起,表達了對收禮者的美好祝願。

  4. 節日氛圍:中秋節是一個親朋好友相聚的節日,威士忌、零食和水果可以在聚會時分享,增添節日的氛圍和樂趣。

  5. 便利與實用:禮籃通常已經精心包裝,送禮者只需選擇並送出,省去了自行挑選和包裝的時間。而收禮者可以立即享用,增加了實用性。

  6. 符合市場需求:隨著生活水平的提高,人們對於節日禮品的要求也在不斷提升。威士忌、零食和水果禮籃符合現代人的需求,成為一種受歡迎的送禮選擇。



  1. 家庭聚會:中秋節是家庭團圓的節日,送禮籃給親戚朋友,增添節日的氛圍,表達對家人的關愛。

  2. 朋友聚會:送禮籃給朋友,既能分享美食美酒,也能表達友誼和祝福,增進彼此的感情。

  3. 商業場合:送禮籃給客戶、合作夥伴或員工,表達感謝和祝福,有助於鞏固商業關係和提升公司形象。

  4. 長輩:中秋節給長輩送禮籃,表達尊敬和孝心,尤其是包含養生水果和健康零食的禮籃,更顯心意。

  5. 同事:送禮籃給同事,特別是在辦公室聚會或團隊活動時,能增進同事間的友誼和團隊凝聚力。

  6. 老師和導師:給老師或導師送禮籃,感謝他們的教誨和指導,是一種禮貌和感恩的表達方式。

  7. 鄰居和社區成員:送禮籃給鄰居或社區成員,增進鄰里關係,營造和睦的社區氛圍。

  8. 慈善活動:將禮籃送給需要幫助的群體,參與慈善活動,傳遞愛心和關懷,讓中秋節更加有意義。


FAQ of Delivery:

  1. How Long Does it Take To Produce & Ship? 
    You will receive most of our products within 1 week. Most items have next day delivery upgade service as well.
  2. I really need it today - is it possible at all?
    Actually yes! Talk to our CS and we will work it out for you.
  3. Do you ship internationally?
    Yes we do! We ship globally. Check out our shipping policy on the next tab. 

FAQ of Production & Opportunity: 

  1. How does DYOW produce their products?
    We use hand engraving, machine engraving and laser engraving to customize in our Hong Kong factory - every bottles & items are hand made by our "masters" with love :)
  2. Do you offer corporate & Bulk discount?
    For order over 5 pieces, please ask for bulk discount with our friendly customer service on live chat or whatsapp us at +852 6554 1830.
    For Corporate Enquiry, we offer personalize sales solution. Please email us at hello@designyourown.wine for more details.


Shipping Policy (Applied on Hong Kong)

Our designated shipping companies are SF Express & Hong Kong Post

Typically shipping time varies from 2 days to 5 days. If you have an event date, please let us know on the remark section of ordering and we will do our best to match your deadlines for you. 

For urgent orders, customers can request an upgrade to Gogox for same day delivery. In the case of an upgrade, surcharge will be paid by customers.

Shipping Policy (Applied on All Other Regions & Countries)

Oversea shipping might occur extra shipping cost depends on products.

Our designated shipping companies are SF Express Hong Kong Post & Aramex.

Typical shipping time varies from 1 week to more depends on your areas. In normal situations, we can reach most of the world in about 2 weeks.

For urgent orders, customers can request an upgrade to DHL. You can receive a quote upon request. 

* We are not responsible for any taxes & duties occured during transportation.

Return Policy (Applied on All Countries)

We keep it short and simple for you :)

- Customize Product: no exchange or refund. In the case of damage & wrong shipment, please email us at hello@designyourown.wine within 7 days from receiving the products for a re-shipment.

- Non-Customize Product: Please ship it back to us (shipping cost will be paid by customer) in perfect condition for exchange and refund.

For more details please check out our full policy on footer.



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